Our Faculty Members: Panamericana Pride!

Universidad Panamericana’s academic excellence is built, in part, thanks to the prestige of the scholars who are part of its faculty. Such is the case of Dr. Edgar Corzo Sosa and Dr. Rodolfo Luis Vigo, School of Law professors, who stand out internationally for their professional careers, adding value to their teaching in the classroom.

Protecting human rights

Dr. Edgar Corzo Sosa has been a Panamericana professor for nearly 15 years, and has taught at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. The fight to protect human rights is more than his job, it is his passion. He points out that “helping to restore a person’s violated right or keeping them from being violated is a source of special satisfaction.” 

He recently became president of the Committee on Migrant Workers and the first Mexican to preside over all UN Human Rights Committees. 

“This is a source of special pride and satisfaction, as my peers put their trust in me to lead the Committee’s work, which I highly value, as they are people with impressive professional experience in their countries and in the United Nations,” says Dr. Corzo about the first appointment.

Our Faculty Members: Panamericana Pride!

Regarding the second appointment, he adds, “…being the first Mexican to do this is a great source of pride in my professional career, as I have dedicated more than 30 years to the study and protection of human rights… I am very excited about this new position, and it also represents a great responsibility that I assume with honor because I am backed by a great country and the extraordinary universities where I have been educated and where I have learned from students in the classroom.”

In these positions, Dr. Corzo will seek to strengthen the universal protection of human rights and, in turn, hopes that they will constitute areas of opportunity for Mexican universities.

“I firmly intend to provide these treaty bodies with greater visibility, coordinate their activities in the best possible way, and elevate the level of human rights protection. I want to uplift the name of our country and the universities where I have studied and worked,” he says.

Our Faculty Members: Panamericana Pride!

Reaping success abroad

Dr. Rodolfo Luis Vigo is a member of the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Córdoba and president of the Argentine Association for the Philosophy of Law. He has published more than 16 books related to ethics, interpretation, natural law, and legal argumentation and, in addition to many other functions, he teaches at several universities, including Panamericana.

Our Faculty Members: Panamericana Pride!

His relationship with this university started more than 20 years ago thanks to an event organized by the Universidad Austral de Argentina, in which Dr. Vigo gave a lecture on the Philosophy of Law in the training of jurists. Dr. Roberto Ibáñez, then Dean of Law, and Dr. Jacinto Valdez, Director of Postgraduate Studies, invited him to teach at UP. “Since then, I have been coming to UP Mexico every year… even after retiring, I have had research stays of up to three months,” explains the doctor.

Currently, the Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero (UCSE)’s School of Political, Social, and Legal Sciences has awarded him the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, and his vast trajectory speaks for itself. In the years that he has been coming to our country alone, he has received the following recognitions:

  • The creation of a Chair in his name at the Tabasco Justice Department.
  • Two Honoris Causa Doctorates: He received one together with Don Mariano Azuela from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de México, and the second was granted by the Mexican National Bar Association.
  • The 2021 creation of the “Rodolfo Luis Vigo” Award, granted by a Committee of notable jurists in favor of the most outstanding Latin magistrate.


“Besides these and other recognitions, the most important thing I have gained in Mexico is the warmth of so many friends and acquaintances in whom I have always noticed a visible concern for generously and warmly welcoming visitors,” explains Dr. Luis Vigo.

Regarding academic evaluation of Panamericana’s Law School, he says: “It is very clear that it is a very prestigious university that permanently seeks to improve and remain up to date… I have always observed very orderly operations and a climate of respect, freedom, and dialogue with authorities and colleagues.”

Our Faculty Members: Panamericana Pride!

Advice for their students

Undoubtedly, both scholars are an example for their students to follow, and although obtaining such achievements may seem very far off for students, they offer the following advice:

“Make the most of your time as you prepare academically, as this is the moment to do it. In the future, you will have many opportunities, but the important thing is that you be prepared to take them. You may not see the importance of preparing yourselves now, but you must have the conviction that you will one day reap what you now sow,” says Dr. Corzo.

He also adds, “I am sure that, with dedication, effort, and discipline, you can achieve everything you set out to do because ability goes hand in hand with the dreams that you can make come true.”

At the same time, Dr. Vigo indicates that life has taught him that “true success comes when putting continued effort into carrying out a project centered on values and their hierarchy. I am convinced that the future of humanity depends on the ethics with which it conducts itself.”

Our Faculty Members: Panamericana Pride!