They Stood Out at the XI CSMIO

During the eleventh anniversary of the Congress of the Mexican Society of Operations Research (XI CSMIO), members of the School of Engineering of the Universidad Panamericana Guadalajara Campus stood out with notable recognitions and presentations of different doctoral research.

What is SMIO?

The Mexican Society of Operations Research (SMIO) is a society that seeks the development of methods and applications of Operations Research, as well as its promotion, teaching, learning, training and dissemination in Mexico.

They Stood Out at the XI CSMIO

Some of its objectives are to promote contact, collaboration and exchange among members of the Society and professionals in the country or abroad who carry out activities related to Operations Research.


In the regular paper sessions of the congress, participants had the opportunity to share, exchange and disseminate the most recent advances in scientific knowledge and technological development in the field of Operations Research.

They Stood Out at the XI CSMIO

There, Dr. Alfredo S. Ramos Jiménez, professor at the School of Engineering, won first place in the Best Doctoral Thesis Award. Dr. Samuel Nucamendi Guillén, professor of the School of Engineering, was elected Vice President of the Mexican Society of Operations Research for the 2023 – 2025 term.

Accompanied by the aforementioned professors, students Paulina González Ayala, Joel Novi Rodríguez Escoto and Francisco Javier Ruiz Barajas, who are pursuing their doctoral degrees in engineering, presented operations research related to the topics of their respective doctoral theses.

For me per, having participated in the SMIO award for the best thesis in the PhD category in the framework of the XI CSMIO congress was a very positive experience. Having obtained such an important recognition at the beginning of my career as a researcher is very motivating and confirms to me that it was a good decision to incorporate scientific research into my activities”, says Dr. Alfredo Ramos.

They Stood Out at the XI CSMIO


These achievements are testimony to the commitment and excellence of the School of Engineering in the field of Research. Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus congratulates all those involved for their outstanding contributions to the academic and scientific community.