Universidad Panamericana Hosted SIPAIM 2023

From November 14-16, 2023, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico Campus, hosted the nineteenth edition of the International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2023).

The symposium, which was attended by more than 92 people from 11 countries (Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, the United Kingdom and the United States), gathered experts, researchers and students from the Biomedical Engineering area, from the following disciplines: Medical and Biomedical Imaging, E-Health, Digital Pathology, Gait Analysis and Biosignals, Representation Based Biosignal Analysis and Analysis of Medical Procedures Through Imaging.

This time, researchers, professors, students and members of the Research Group on Intelligence and Computational Vision (INVICO-UP) from the School of Engineering were members of the organizing committee. Their names are as follows:

  • Jorge Brieva (General Chair).
  • Ernesto Moya-Albor (Program Chair).
  • Hiram Ponce (Technical Events Chair).
  • Félix Martínez (Social Media Chair).
  • Mariana Villanueva (Social Events Chair).
  • Orlando Yael Rivas Scott (staff).
  • Student Carlos Alberto López Figueroa (staff)
  • Student Andres Emiliano Escobedo Gordillo (staff).
  • Student Andrés Gabriel Romero Arellano (staff).

Universidad Panamericana Hosted SIPAIM 2023

Dr. Jorge Brieva, Dr. Ernesto Moya-Albor, and Dr. Hiram Ponce, senior researchers D from the School of Engineering and members of the INVICO-UP group, were part of the SIPAIM 2023 Scientific Committee. Likewise, Dr. Brieva, Dr. Moya-Albor and Dr. Félix Martínez, senior researcher C, participated as moderators in the presentation of papers.

Internationally renowned researchers

The inauguration of SIPAIM 2023 was attended by members of the SIPAIM Foundation Steering Committee, Dr. Claudia Fabiola Ortega Barba, Research Director at Universidad Panamericana Mexico Campus; Dr. Alejandro Ordóñez Torres, Director of the School of Engineering; and Dr. Jorge Brieva Rico, General President of SIPAIM 2023 Organizing Committee and member of the SIPAIM Foundation Steering Committee.

Universidad Panamericana Hosted SIPAIM 2023

On this occasion, four keynote lectures were presented by renowned international researchers such as Dr. Celia Cintas (IBM Research Africa), Dr. Christopher Woods (National Advanced Microscopy Laboratory, UNAM), Dr. Mariam Aboian (Yale School of Medicine, US) and Dr. Alejandro López (Children’s National Hospital, Washington, DC).

Likewise, there were two special industry liaison sessions and 64 research papers oral presentations, divided into 12 sessions during the three days, which will be indexed in Scopus and IEEE Xplore. Additionally, eight posters on papers in progress were presented.

Universidad Panamericana Hosted SIPAIM 2023

UP Presence

Universidad Panamericana was represented through its researchers and students, who submitted seven research papers and two posters of preliminary work in the sessions entitled Global Health, Representation based Biosignal Analysis, Biosignals, Heart and Lung and Body Imaging.

On the one hand, student and research intern Andrés Escobedo-Gordillo (from Mechatronics Engineering and Information Technologies Engineering) presented the work sEMG Based Hand Gesture Recognition for Rehabilitation Prosthetics Based on Machine Learning Methods, developed by Mechatronics Engineering students Miguel Sepúlveda, Jesús Villa, Ximena Villanueva, Sebastián García-Casas and Fernando Díaz, under the mentorship and in co-authorship with researchers Dr. Brieva, Dr. Moya-Albor and Dr. Ponce.

On the other hand, Dr. Moya-Albor presented the paper entitled A Hermite Transform based Method for Physiological Signal Watermarking, in collaboration with Dr. Brieva, Dr. Sandra L. Gomez-Coronel (IPN), Dr. Miguel Ángel Gil-Ríos (UTL), Dr. Iván Cruz (CIMAT) and Dr. Claire Chalopin (FHNW, Germany). Furthermore, from this same collaboration between the authors, Dr. Iván Cruz presented the paper Classification of Coronary Stenosis using a Support Vector Machine with Automatic Parameter Tuning.

In another paper, Andrés Escobedo-Gordillo (Mechatronics Engineering and Information Technologies Engineering) presented A Non-Contact Oxygen Saturation Estimation using Video Magnification and a Deep Learning Method, under the direction of Dr. Jorge Brieva and co-authored with Dr. Ernesto Moya-Albor and Dr. Hiram Ponce.

Universidad Panamericana Hosted SIPAIM 2023

High-value research

Andrés Gabriel Romero Arellano, research intern and student of postgraduate studies in Graphic Simulators, presented the research paper entitled A Photoplethysmography Signal Encryption Approach Based on the Modular Derivative and Langton’s Ant, under the direction of Moya-Albor and co-authored with Brieva, student Alexia E. Pérez-Echeverría (Specialist in Graphical Simulators) and Dr. L. Gomez-Coronel.

Dr. Roberto González Ojeda, research professor at the School of Engineering, presented the paper In Vivo Human Vertebra Image Reconstruction and Mechanical Simulation in co-authorship with Professor Alfredo González Ruíz, also from the abovementioned school; Dr. Armando Ortiz Prado and Dr. Ismeli Alfonso López, both from UNAM.

Then, Luis Alejandro Guillén Alvarez (Data Intelligence Engineer student) presented the research work A Transfer Learning Applied for Malaria Disease Detection on Blood Smear Images in co-authorship with and under the direction of Dr. Felix Martínez.

Universidad Panamericana Hosted SIPAIM 2023

In the poster session, student and research intern Carlos Alberto López Figueroa (Information Technologies Engineer) presented a Study on the Effect of Watermarking in Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy using a Deep Learning Strategy, under the direction of Dr. Moya-Albor and Dr. Brieva, and co-authored with Dr. Gomez-Coronel (IPN).

On the other hand, Orlando Yael Rivas Scott, Professor and alumni from the School of Engineering, presented the poster entitled Contactless Monitoring of Respiratory Rate in Neonates in Intensive Care Unit using Computer Vision, under the direction of Dr. Jorge Brieva and co-authored with Dr. Ernesto Moya-Albor.

Events of this kind are undoubtedly proof of the academic prestige of the School of Engineering at Universidad Panamericana. Learn more about this school and their academic offering at: https://www.up.edu.mx/educacion-universidad-facultad-de-ingenieria/

Universidad Panamericana Hosted SIPAIM 2023