Universidad Panamericana | Closing of the External Funds Training Program
Closing of the External Funds Training Program

A year ago, the General Vice Rector’s Office for Research at Universidad Panamericana started a project focused on attracting external funding for our research undertakings. The objective was clear: to secure the necessary resources so that our researchers could continue to advance their research work.

Closing of the External Funds Training Program

Benefit for UP researchers

Over the last year, this has resulted in a training plan that benefits our entire research community and has helped to increase its participation in international calls for proposals.

The program covers everything from the formulation of international projects to the exploration of opportunities in major programs such as Horizon Europe and Erasmus+. Such initiatives are fundamental not only for our development, but also to strengthen the international research presence of Universidad Panamericana.

Closing of the External Funds Training Program

Testimonial of innovative spirit

During the closing ceremony of the program, the words of Dr. Sergio Velázquez, Institutional Vice Rector for Research, stood out: “The participation of our researchers in international projects are a testimonial of the innovative and persevering spirit that characterizes our university, as they actively seek world-class collaborations and continue to strive to contribute significantly to global welfare through their scientific work.”

The event was also attended by Professor Alejandra González, Director of International Relations at Universidad de La Sabana and Vice President of CCYK®; who with her vast experience in internationalization and scientific diplomacy, has played a key role in promoting international education and strengthening the management of resources for cooperation projects.

Closing of the External Funds Training Program

Satisfactory results

The General Vice Rector’s Office for Research is satisfied with the results of these trainings, which have had an average participation of more than 70 researchers, both online and in person, during the six months of the program.

The closing of these trainings represents a turning point in attracting and securing external funding, and we firmly believe that these efforts will result in new international projects and increased collaboration between our researchers and the global scientific community.

Learn more about researchers at Universidad Panamericana at: https://www.up.edu.mx/investigadores-panamericana/ 

Closing of the External Funds Training Program